The vision of IdiPAZ  is to be a reference centre for multidisciplinary translational biomedical research at the national and European level. To achieve this objective, the institute combines its efforts to ensure the quality of all its processes, thus provision of the best service, research and teaching.
IdiPAZ is committed to a comprehensive quality model backed by the maturity of quality management team of the IdiPAZ institutions. To support and facilitate this goal, the institution relies on the Quality Committee.
During 2016, the Quality Committee fostered these principles but also achieved specific quality goals. The quality management system has been adapted to the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, including in the scope both the Technical Secretariat and the Quality Committee. By the end of 2016 IdiPAZ will be ready to meet the requirements of the UNE 166002:2014 for innovation activities within the management system; and has also started to further expand the scope to the Innovation Support Unit and the Central Research and Clinical Trials Unit.
Moreover, considering that IdiPAZ is a continuously evolving organisation, the Quality activities of our institution has been enriched by the different achievements made by the Hospital Universitario La Paz and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
The hospital, with its accumulative experience about quality of care improvement, has continued working intensively during this year. Protocols, clinical pathways and participation in clinical practice guidelines has been developed and reviewed. The attached tables show the clinical pathways reviewed in 2016 as well as the protocols developed or updated in the same period.
In addition, the staff members continuously collaborate in the improvement of the institution by participating in clinical committees and creating improvement groups, as well as implementing satisfaction surveys for patients and professionals.
Also during 2016 19 departments maintained the standards ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 22000:2005 and IQNet- SR10 of their individual quality management systems. The hospital has also 22 accredited units within the Spanish National Accreditation System.
José Jonay Ojeda Feo. HULP Representative
Blanca Fuentes Gimeno. HULP Representative
María Luisa Díaz Martínez. UAM Representative
Gema Vallés Pérez. FIBHULP Representative
Paloma Gómez Campelo. FIBHULP Representative
Ana Coloma Zapatero. FIBHULP Representative
Aitana López Redondo.  FIBHULP Representative 
Estela Sánchez Simón. FIBHULP Representative
Paloma Moraga Alapont. FIBHULP Representative
Irene Montero Morales. FIBHULP Representative
Begoña Pérez Encinas
Consulting advisor AUREN
José Jonay Ojeda Feo
Telephone: +34 91 727 75 76

Quality Certifications

Quality Assessment  

Support Documentation

Training on the Integrated Management System 2024
Speaker: Ángel Abad Revilla. Oficina para el Desarrollo Sotenible del Hospital Universitatio La Paz
Speaker: Begoña Pérez Encina,consultant of the company AUREN..

21/02/2024: El reflejo de la política de calidad en los proyectos de investigación
Ponente: Daniel Quijada Alcón, gestor de la Plataforma de Apoyo al Investigador Novel y del Programa Mentor de IdiPAZ

21/02/2024: El reflejo de la política de calidad en los proyectos de investigación
Ponente: Daniel Quijada Alcón, gestor de la Plataforma de Apoyo al Investigador Novel y del Programa Mentor de IdiPAZ

Training Courses 2023
Ponentes: Paloma Moraga, gestora de proyectos de la UICEC y miembro de la Comisión de Calidad del IdiPAZ
Ponentes: José Jonay Ojeda Feo, coordinador de calidad del IdiPAZ y Gloria García Requeno, diseñadora gráfica, socia de la empresa Tres y Más, S.C. y portavoz vocal vecino de la Junta Municipal de Distrito de Tetuán.
Ponentes: José Jonay Ojeda Feo, Coordinador de Calidad del IdiPAZ, Begoña Pérez Encinas, consultora de la empresa AUREN, e Irene Montero Morales, Gestora de proyectos y vocal de la Comisión de Calidad. 
Ponentes: Pilar Fernández Calle, Jefe de Sección de Análisis clínicos del Hospital Universitario La Paz. 

Training Courses 2022

IV session 'El control de la documentación en el IdiPAZ: ¿amenaza u oportunidad?'

19/10/2022. Gema Valles y José Jonay Ojeda. 

III session 'Planificación de objetivos: hacia la mejora continua'
15/06/2022. David Hernández Sastre y José Jonay Ojeda. 
II session 'Indicadores de calidad. En busca del indicador perfecto'
18/04/2022. Dolores Garre y Rocio Mena. 

I session 'Manual de supervivencia ante una auditoría de calidad'
16/02/2022. Casandra Ferrazzini 

Training Courses 2021

V 'Herramientas del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad del IdiPAZ'
02/12/2021.  Antonio Albarracín

IV 'Experiencias en la recogida de opiniones de partes interesadas en un IIS'
21/10/2021.   José Jonay Ojeda, Gema Vallés y María Luisa Díaz Martínez
III 'Gestión de partes interesadas de un IIS el Instituto de Salud Carlos III como ejemplo'
 José Jonay Ojeda, Álvaro Moreno y José Ramón Mora.

II 'El investigador como figura clave en el sistema de gestión de I+D+i de IdiPAZ'
28/04/2021.  Gerardo Ruiz Ares, Estela Simón y Dolores Pérez. 

I 'Aspectos generales y conceptos de la gestión de la calidad en un Instituto de Investigación'
  José Jonay Ojeda y Gema Vallés