Cell culture techniques allow scientists to mimic maintenance and growth of cells under controlled and precise environmental conditions. This technology offers the employment and development of in vitro model systems aiming at elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in certain disease processes, predicting cellular and tissue responses to a particular microenvironment and identifying and/or developing novel drugs and therapeutic targets. Therefore, cell culturing is considered as an essential tool in main aspects such as disease prevention and management, pre-clinical assessment of drug-based strategies and diagnosis of disorders and conditions that afflict human health.
The main objective of the Cell Culture Unit, integrated into the Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research (IdiPAZ) as core support platform, is to provide users with basic instrumental and technical assistance in cell culture-related experimental approaches. This Unit facilitates the proposal and development of translational research initiatives, providing a convenient basis for creativity, innovation, as well as acquisition and dissemination of the scientific knowledge. The multidisciplinary and dynamic environment established in the Unit incites and promotes the creation of synergies, innovative perspectives and networking opportunities which can be a source of inspiration, exploration and stimulation for new interests, ideas and collaborative research activities. Furthermore, Cell Culture Unit is tightly vinculated to other joint platforms such as the Imaging Core and Flow Cytometry Laboratory, in which researchers can upgrade their objectives and improve and refine their hypotheses.
Tel: +34 917 277 000 (ext. 2142)