
Publicaciones 2014
Robertson, K.; Bayón, C.; Molina, J. M.; McNamara, P.; Resch, C.; Muñoz-Moreno, J. A.; Kulasegaram, R.; Schewe, K.; Burgos-Ramírez, A.; de Álvaro, C.; Cabrero, E.; Guión, M.; Norton, M.; van Wyk, J. Screening for neurocognitive impairment, depression, And anxiety in HIV-infected patients in Western Europe and Canada. AIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV. 2014; 26(12): 1555-1561. 2,095 Q1
Lahera, G.; Bayón, C.; Bravo-Ortiz, M. F.; Rodríguez-Vega, B.; Barbeito, S.; Saenz, M.; Avedillo, C.; Villanueva, R.; Ugarte, A.; González-Pinto, A.; de Dios, C. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus psychoeducational intervention in bipolar outpatients with sub-threshold depressive symptoms: a randomized controlled trial. BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014; 14: 215. Artículo. 2,21 Q3
Pérez-Valero, I.; González-Baeza, A.; Estebánez, M.; Monge, S.; Montes-Ramírez, M. L.; Bayón, C.; Pulido, F.; Bernardino, J. I.; Zamora, F. X.; González-García, J. J.; Lagarde, M.; Hernando, A.; Arnalich, F.; Arribas, J. R. A Prospective cohort study of neurocognitive function in aviremic hiv-infected patients treated with 1 or 3 antiretrovirals. CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 2014; 59(11): 1627-1634. Artículo. 8,886 D1
Rodríguez Vega, B.; Bayón Pérez, C.; PalaoTarrero, A.; Fernández Liria,
A. Mindfulness-based narrative therapy for depression in cancer patients.
411-419. Artículo.
2,632 Q1
Estebánez, M.; Stella-Ascariz, N.; Mingorance, J.; Pérez-Valero, I.; González-Baeza, A.; Bayón, C.; Lakatos, B.; Borobia, A.; Arnalich, F.; Arribas, J. R. A Comparative study of neurocognitively impaired patients receiving protease inhibitor monotherapy or triple-drug antiretroviral
SYNDROMES. 2014; 67(4): 419-423. Artículo.
4,556 Q1
González-Baeza, A.; Carvajal, F.; Bayón, C.; Pérez-Valero, I.; Estebánez, M.; Bernardino, J. I.; Monge, S.; Lagarde, M.; Hernando, A.; Arnalich, F.; Arribas, J. R. Pattern of neurocognitive function in patients receiving boosted protease inhibitor monotherapy: a detailed neuropsychological study. JOURNAL OF NEUROVIROLOGY. 2014; 20(4): 363-370. Artículo. 2,595 Q3
González-Baeza, A.; Pérez-Valero, I.; Carvajal-Molina, F.; Bayón, C.;
Montes-Ramírez, M.; Bernardino, J. I.; Arribas, J. R. Facial emotional
processing deficits in long-term HIV-suppressed patients. JOURNAL
19664. Artículo.
5,09 Q1
Sagardoy, R. C.; Morales, L. T. G.; Ostolaza, G. S.; García, S. K.; Martínez, C. M.; Julián, R. C.; Fernández, A. B. Emotional processing in adult vs adolescent patients with eating behavior disorders; emotional recognizing and the mental theory. NUTRICIÓN HOSPITALARIA. 2014; 29(4): 941-952. Artículo. 1,04 Q4
Calvo Sagardoy, R.; Gallego Morales, L. T.; Kassem García, S.; Codesal
Julián, R.; Blanco Fernández, A.; Solorzano Ostolaza, G.; Morales Martínez, C. Heightened sensitivity to somatosensory stimuli in anorexia
nervosa: an exploratory study with the SASTCA scale. NUTRICIÓN
HOSPITALARIA. 2014;31(3): 1413-1422. Artículo.
1,04 Q4
Ezquiaga, E.; García-López, A.; de Dios, C.; Agud, J. L.; Albillo, D.; Vega-Piris, L. Seasonality, smoking and history of poor treatment compliance are strong predictors of Dropout in a naturalistic 6 year follow-up of bipolar patients. PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY. 2014; 85(4): 467-477. Artículo. 1,43 Q3
Vega, B. R.; Melero-Llorente, J.; Pérez, C. B.; Cebolla, S.; Mira, J.; Valverde, C.; Fernández-Liria, A. Impact of mindfulness training on attentional control and anger regulation processes for psychotherapists in training. PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH. 2014; 24(2): 202-213. Artículo. 1,723 Q2
de Dios, C.; Goikolea, J. M.; Colom, F.; Moreno, C.; Vieta, E. Bipolar
disorders in the new DSM-5 and ICD-11 classifications. REVISTA DE
PSIQUIATRÍA Y SALUD MENTAL. 2014; 7(4): 179-185. Revisión.
1,622 Q3
Publicaciones 2009-2013
2013 Grande, I.; Goikolea, J. M.; de Dios, C.; González-Pinto, A; Montes, J. M.; Saiz-Ruiz, J.; Prieto, E.; Vieta, E. Occupational disability in bipolar disorder: analysis of predictors of being on severe disablement benefit (PREBIS study data). ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA. 2013; 127(5): 403-411. Artículo. 5,545 Q1
2013 León-Salas, B.; Olazarán, J.; Cruz-Orduña, I.; Aguera-Ortiz, L.; Dobato, J. L.; Valentí-Soler, M.; Muñiz, R.; González-Salvador, M. T.; Martínez-Martín, P. Quality of life (QoL) in communitydwelling and institutionalized Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. 2013; 57(3): 257-262. Artículo. 1,525 Q3
2013 Montes, J. M.; Alegría, A.; García-López, A.; Ezquiaga, E.; Balanza-
Martínez, V.; Sierra, P.; Toledo, F.; Alcaraz, C.; Pérez, J.; de Dios, C. Understanding bipolar disorder in late life clinical and treatment correlates of a sample of elderly outpatients. JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE. 2013; 201(8): 674-679. Artículo.
1,812 Q3
2013 Bravo, M. F.; Lahera, G.; Lalucat, L.; Fernández-Liria, A. Clinical practice guideline on bipolar disorder: drug and psychosocial therapy. MEDICINA CLÍNICA. 2013; 141(7): 305.e1-305. e10. Artículo. 1,252 Q3
2013 Montes, J. M.; Maurino, J.; de Dios, C.; Medina, E. Suboptimal
treatment adherence in bipolar disorder: impact on clinical outcomes and functioning. PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE. 2013; 7: 89-94. Artículo.
1,491 Q2
2013 Pérez-Valero, I.; González-Baeza, A.; Estebánez, M.; Montes-Ramírez, M. L.; Bayón, C.; Pulido, F.; Bernardino, J. I.; Zamora, F. X.; Monge, S.; Gayá, F.; Lagarde, M.; Rubio, R.; Hernando, A.; Arnalich, F.; Arribas, J. R. Neurocognitive impairment in patients treated with protease inhibitor monotherapy or triple drug antiretroviral therapy. PLOS ONE. 2013; 8(7): e69493. Artículo. 3,534 Q1
2013 Villanueva, R. Neurobiology of major depressive disorder. NEURAL PLASTICITY. 2013; 873278. Revisión 3,608 Q2
2012 Irastorza, L. J.; Rojano, P.; González-Salvador, T.; Cotobal, J.; Leira, M.; Rojas, C.; Rubio, G.; Rodríguez-Rieiro, C.; Bellón, J. M.; Álvarez, M.; Rodríguez, C.; Arango, C. Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the diagnostic interview for depressive personality. EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 2012; 27(8): 582-590. Article. 3,285 Q2
2012 de Dios, C.; González-Pinto, A.; Montes, J. M.; Goikolea, J.M.; Saiz-Ruiz, J.; Prieto, E.; Vieta, E. Predictors of recurrence in bipolar disorders in Spain (PREBIS study data). JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2012; 141(41335): 406-414. Article.  3,295 Q2
2012 de Dios, C.; Ezquiaga, E.; Agud, J. L.; Vieta, E.; Soler, B.; García-López, A. Subthreshold symptoms and time to relapse/recurrence in a community cohort of bipolar disorder outpatients. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2012; 143(41334): 160-165. Article.  3,295 Q2
2012 Pérez-Sales, P.; Eiroa-Orosa, F. J.; Olivos, P.; Barbero-Val, E.; Fernández-Liria, A.; Vergara, M. Vivo questionnaire: a measure of human worldviews and identity in trauma, crisis, and loss-validation and preliminary fi ndings. JOURNAL OF LOSS & TRAUMA. 2012; 17(3): 236-259. Article. No tiene No tiene
2012 Bayón, C.; Ribera, E.; Cabrero, E.; Griffa, L.; Burgos, A. Prevalence
of depressive and other central nervous nystem symptoms in HIV-infected patients treated with HAART in Spain. JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PROVIDERS OF AIDS CARE. 2012; 11(5): 321-328. Article.
No tiene No tiene
2012 de Dios, C.; Agud, J. L.; Ezquiaga, E.; García-López, A.; Soler, B.; Vieta, E. Syndromal and subsyndromal illness status and fi ve-year morbidity using criteria of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders compared to alternative criteria. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 2012; 45(2): 102-108. Article. 1,615 Q3
2012 Ruiz, M. A.; Montes, J. M.; Lauffer, J. C.; Álvarez, C.; Maurino, J.; Perrino, C. D. Opinions and beliefs of the spanish population on serious mental illnesses (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). REVISTA DE PSIQUIATRÍA Y SALUD MENTAL. 2012; 5(2): 98-106. Article. No tiene No tiene
2012 Ezquiaga, E.; García-López, A.; Montes, J. M.; Alegría, A.; de Dios, C.; Balanza, V.; Sierra, P.; Pérez, J.; Toledo, F.; Rodríguez, A. Variables associated with disability in elderly bipolar patients on ambulatory treatment. REVISTA DE PSIQUIATRÍA Y SALUD MENTAL. 2012; 5(3): 183-190. Article. No tiene No tiene
2012 Villanueva, R. The cerebellum and neuropsychiatric disorders. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH. 2012; 198(3): 527-532. Review. 2,456 Q2
2011 van Ommeren, M.; Barbui, C.; de Jong, K.; Dua, T.; Jones, L.; Pérez-
Sales, P.; Schilperoord, M.; Ventevogel, P.; Yasamy, M. T.; Saxena, S. If
You Could Only Choose Five Psychotropic Medicines: Updating the Interagency Emergency Health Kit. PLOS MEDICINE. 2011;
8(5): e100030. Editorial Material.
16,269 D1
2011 Pérez-Valero, I.; Bayón, C.; Cambrón, I.; González, A.; Arribas, J. R.
Protease inhibitor monotherapy and the CNS: peace of mind?
66(9): 1594-1962. Review.
5,068 D1
2011 Vega, B. R.; Palao, A.; Torres, G.; Hospital, A.; Benito, G.; Pérez,
E.; Diéguez, M.; Castelo, B.; Bayón, C. Combined therapy versus
usual care for the treatment of depression in oncologic patients:
a randomized controlled trial. PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY.
2011; 20(9): 943-952. Article.
3,339 Q1
2011 Merino, J. J.; Montes, M. L.; Blanco, A.; Bustos, M. J.; Oreja-Guevara,
C.; Bayón, C.; Cuadrado, A.; Lubrini, G.; Cambrón, I.; Muñoz,
A.; Cebolla, S.; Gutiérrez-Fernández, M.; Bernardino, J. I.; Arribas,
J. R.; Fiala, M. HIV-1 neuropathogenesis: therapeutic strategies
against neuronal loss induced by gp120/Tat glycoprotein in the
central nervous system. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGÍA. 2011;
52(2): 101-111. Article.
0,652 Q4
2011 Bravo-Ortiz, M. F.; Gutiérrez-Casares, J. R.; Rodríguez-Morales,
A.; García, M. A. P.; Hidalgo-Borrajo, R. Influence of type of
treatment on the well-being of Spanish patients with schizophrenia
and their caregivers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
0,427 Q4
2011 Desviat, M. International overview of psychiatric reform. CIENCIA
& SAUDE COLETIVA. 2011; 16(12): 4615-4621. Article.
No tiene No tiene
2011 Suárez, M. A.; Bravo-Ortiz, M. F.; Fernández-Liria, A.; González-
Juárez, C. Effectiveness of Continuity-of-Care Programs to
reduce time in hospital in persons with schizophrenia. EPIDEMIOLOGY
AND PSYCHIATRIC SCIENCES. 2011; 20(1): 65-72.
No tiene No tiene
2011 Desviat, M. Psychiatric Reform 25 Years after the General Law
85(5): 427-436. Article.
No tiene No tiene
2010 de Dios, C.; Ezquiaga, E.; García, A.; Soler, B.; Vieta, E. Time spent with symptoms in a cohort of bipolar disorder outpatients in Spain: A prospective, 18-month follow-up study. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2010; 125: 81. Article. 3,74
2010 López, A. G.; Ezquiaga, E.; de Dios, C.; Agud, J. L.; Soler, B.  Diagnostic delay and differences by sex and clinical subtype in a cohort of outpatients with bipolar disorder.  REVISTA DE PSIQUIATRIA Y SALUD MENTAL. 2010; 3(3): 79-89. Article. No tiene No tiene
2010 Fernández-Liria, A.; Rodríguez-Vega, B.; Ortiz-Sánchez, D.; Tubet, I. B.; González-Juárez, C. Effectiveness of a structured training program in psychotherapeutic skills used in clinical interviews for psychiatry and clinical psychology residents.  PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH. 2010; 20(1): 113-121. Article. 1,708

2010 Oreja-Guevara C, Miralles A, García-Caballero J, Noval S, Gabaldón L,Esteban-Vasallo MD, García-Matres MJ, Bayón-Pérez C, Royo A, González A, Hernanz A, López-Pajares MR, Morante JL, Díez-Tejedor E.  Clinical pathways for the care of multiple sclerosis patients.  NEUROLOGIA. 2010; 25(3):156-162. Article.  0,589 Q4
2010 Pérez-Sales, P. Identity and Trauma in Adolescents within the Context of Political Violence:A Psychosocial and Communitarian View. Clinical Social Work Journal 38:408-417. Article. 0,292 Q4
2010 Pérez-Sales P, Fernández Liria A, Parras M. Transitory ischemia as a form of torture: a case description in Spain. TORTURE .  2010 20:2. 104-107. Article. No tiene No tiene
2009 Gonzalez-Torres, MA; Inchausti, L; Ibanez, B; Aristegui, M; Fernandez-Rivas, A; Ruiz, E; Fernandez, E; Bayon, C Temperament and Character Dimensions in Patients With Schizophrenia, Relatives, and Controls. JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE. 2009; 197(7): 514-519 1,771
2009 Desviat M. Enrique Gil. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA. 2009; 83(2): 167-167 0,747
2009 Sebastian, J.; Leon, M.; Hospital, A.; Psychosocial variables and breast cancer: A quasi-prospective study of type c personality. REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA. 2009; 41(3): 461-479 0,388