Investigadora Senior
(Miguel Servet contract - I2)

Jefe de Laboratorio
Clara Escudero Duch
Investigadora Postdoctoral
Marcos de Mesa Cáceres
Ténico de Laboratorio
Eduardo García Cimbrelo
Médico Emérito de la Comunidad de Madrid
Profesor Asociado. Departamento de Cirugía. Facultad de Medicina
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Beatriz García Brihuega
Técnico de Laboratorio
Rebeca Garrido Punzano
Técnico de Laboratorio
Miguel Ángel Lerma Juárez
Investigador Predoctoral
Carmen Martin Hervás
Facultativo Especialista de Área en
Profesora Asociada. Facultad de Medicina
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Alonso Carlos Moreno García
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Cirugía Orotopédica y Traumatología
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Laura Saldaña Quero
Investigadora Senior (Contrato Miguel Servet-Tipo I)
Jefe de Laboratorio
Gema Vallés Pérez
Investigadora Senior. Responsables de Cultivos Celulares y de los Laboratorios Comunes de IdiPAZ
Strategic Objective
The Bone Physiopathology and Biomaterials group includes basic and clinical researchers from IdiPAZ. The group has broad experience in clinical and basic research on biomaterials for orthopaedic implants and bone tissue engineering. The main goal of the group is to improve the clinical outcome of orthopaedic surgery through research on implants and biomaterials used for manufacturing prosthetic devices.
The group is interested in the study of mechanisms underlying joint diseases, in developing tissue engineering-based therapies as well as in evaluating biomaterials manufactured by collaborative partners. Specific areas of clinical research on implants include follow-up studies on various devices in use for osteoarticular surgery. 
The team is also involved in the manipulation of the heat shock response to generate transcriptional targeting strategies that provide tight control of the expression of therapeutic proteins. Their potential application in bone and wound healing therapies as well as in the generation of influenza vaccines with anti-herpetic activity are being explored. This strategic objective also includes the identification and characterization of the heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1) inhibitors as potential antitumoral agents.
Research Lines
• Clinical research in implants for bone repair
• Study of the pathophysiology of joint diseases and mechanisms involved in bone regeneration.
• Evaluation of new biomaterials, including scaffolds and nanoparticles, for their potential use in wound healing and bone tissue engineering application
• Development of gene therapy switches to control the expression of transgenes to a) enhance bone regeneration and wound healing or b) generate influenza vaccines. Application of non-invasive near-infrared energy combined with photothermal nanoparticles
• Identification and characterization of HSF1 inhibitors as antitumoral drugs.