
Gutiérrez-Larraya Aguado
 Jefe de Servicio de Cardiología Pediátrica, Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía, Hospital Universitario La Paz. Profesor Titular. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Hospital Universitario La Paz
César Abelleiro Pardeiro
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Cardiología Pediátrica
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Viviana Arreo del Val
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Cardiología Pediátrica
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Juan José Beunza Nuin
Catedrático Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Antonio Javier Cartón Sánchez
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Pediatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Lucía Deiros Bronte
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Pediatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Marta Gambra Arzoz
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Pediatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Luis García-Guereta Silva
Jefe de Sección de Cardiología Pediátrica

Hospital Universitario La Paz
Carlos Labrandero de Lera
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Cardiología Pediátrica
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Álvaro Lafuente Romero
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Pediatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Diana Salas Mera
Médico Adjunto Cardiología Pediátrica
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Strategic Objectives
• Establishment of Cardiopathy Registers: Creation of comprehensive databases that comply with all legal regulations regarding security, confidentiality, and data protection.
• Advances in Imaging Diagnosis: Innovation and refinement of imaging techniques for precise characterization of pediatric heart diseases.
• Minimally Invasive Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques: Development and application of procedures that minimize impact and improve patient recovery.
• Research on Vascular Risk and Environmental Factors: Dedicated studies to understand how environmental factors and lifestyle influence pediatric heart diseases and their prevention.
• Role of Exercise in Pediatric Cardiology: Research on the importance of physical exercise in the detection and treatment of cardiac alterations in children.
• Telemedicine and Cardiac Monitoring: Implementation of telemedicine solutions and the use of IoT devices for efficient and real-time cardiac monitoring.
• Blockchain in Medical Record Management: Application of blockchain technology to ensure the integrity and privacy of medical records.
• Omics Research for Pediatric Cardiology: Search for biomarkers and therapeutic targets through genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic studies.
• Scientific Dissemination and Industrial Collaboration: Publication of research in high-impact journals and collaboration with the pharmaceutical sector for the development of new therapies.
• Creation of Specialized Care Units: Formation of multidisciplinary teams based on the latest research to provide the best care.
• Continuous Training and Public Awareness: Development of educational programs for professionals and families, and collaboration with media to increase the visibility of pediatric heart diseases.
Research Lines
• Application of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies: Exploration and adoption of technological advances to enhance the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of pediatric heart diseases.
• Innovation in Medical Devices and Pharmacology: Development and assessment of advanced medical devices and new pharmacological compounds tailored to the specific needs of the pediatric population.
• Management of Vascular Risk in Pediatrics: Study and management of vascular risk from the earliest stages of life, focusing on the prevention and early detection of cardiovascular diseases.