Organization chart

IdiPAZ Sostenible
Health Research Institutes occupy a privileged place in society. With an unquestionable leading role in the promotion of biomedical research and innovation and its transfer and dissemination to society and patients. IdiPAZ is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN, and joins the 2030 Agenda.

DAccording to the Sustainable Development Goals survey sent to the Institute's researchers, the mapping of the lines and projects of research currently being developed, the IdiPAZ Integrated Management System and the current Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation, the following strategic Sustainable Development Objectives have been defined for IdiPAZ, to which it has established its commitment:

In addition, the Institute is accrediting in Corporate Social Responsibility within the Integrated Management System of the Hospital Universitario la Paz by means of the international standard IQNet SR10. For this reason, we stand out as the first Health Research Institute in the Community of Madrid to be certified in this field, which demonstrates the responsibility in economic, environmental and social aspects, ethical management and transparency that the institution guarantees.
Working group for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030
To support this new commitment to the implementation of the SDGs in our Institute, an IdiPAZ/FIBHULP Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030 Working Group has been formed:

Commission for Humanization and SSR
The Commission for Humanisation and Scientific Social Responsibility aims to ensure compliance with the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science, following the recommendations of the European Commission.

It is also committed to fostering the social and scientific responsibility of our researchers, aimed at promoting research and innovation for society. In addition, we are immersed in a process of integration of the Sustainable Development Goals and that is why, through the Commission for Social and Scientific Responsibility of IdiPAZ, we have launched the project.

Our chain value

The value chain helps us to identify the impacts that each of the processes strategic and support factors have in said generation of value, as well as the risks and opportunities with which to improve our results. Furthermore, we can appreciate how we contribute to the fulfillment of the different SDGs in all our processes.

Commisson members
Mrs. Paloma Gómez Campelo. Deputy Director of IdiPAZ - CSR, SDGs and Agenda 2030 Coordinator of IdiPAZ/FBIHULP 
Mr. Manuel Arellano Armisen.  Second Vice-President of the Platform of Patients' Organizations, Vice-President of the ALCER National Federation and member of the Board of the European Patients' Forum.
Mrs. Ana Coloma Zapatero. Director of FIBHULP
Mrs. María Quintanar Jaime. FIBHULP Human Resources Departament - Head of CSR of IdiPAZ/FIBHULP 
Dña. Irene Montero Morales. Project manager at IdiPAZ/FIBHULP
Mrs. Ana Cristina García Álvarez. Depty Director of continuity of Care representative of the HULP Humanitazation Commission 
Mrs. Sara Gusi Gil. Environmental Managemente Technician, HULP representative
Mrs. Gloria García. District Council representative 
Mrs. Laura Carrillo. Representative of patient associations. NUPA Coordinator
Mrs. Shona Brown. British embassy representative
Mrs. Aitana López Redondo. Responsible for SDGs and Agenda 2030 at IdiPAZ/FIBHULP







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