Silvia M. Arribas Rodríguez
 Catedrática de Fisiología Cardiovascular
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Yolanda Aguilera Gutiérrez
Profesora Titular
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Alicia Gil Ramírez
Profesora Ayudante Doctor
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Álvaro Llorente Berzal
Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
María Ángeles Martín Cabrejas
Catedrática en Química Agrícola y Bromatología
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
María Martín Trueba
Investigadora Predoctoral
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
David Ramiro Cortijo
Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Pilar Rodríguez Rodríguez
Técnico de Laboratorio
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Santiago Ruvira Hernando
Investigadora Predoctoral
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Strategic Objectives
• To evaluate the impact of low birth weight and prematurity on cardiometabolic health with a follow-up strategy, analyzing the modulatory effect of lifestyle.
• To study the physiological mechanisms implicated in the association between risk factors and cardiometabolic programming, using animal models of prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction and dietary interventions.
• To assess the influence of sociocultural factors on women health during pregnancy and lactation, and the modulation of biological variables by lifestyle.
• Promotion of healthy habits during pregnancy and lactation.
• To extract and characterize healthy bioactive components from food by-products and to design ingredients and supplements to improve cardiometabolic health.
• To carry out intervention trials in healthy subjects with the designed ingredients, evaluating its anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties and health effect.
Research Lines
• Relationship between nutrition and fetal and postnatal programming of cardiometabolic disease. Involvement of oxidative stress and inflammation
• Impact of prematurity on cardiometabolic health.
• Development of new functional ingredients from food by-products focused on cardiometabolic health.
• Study of food ingredient bioactivity, bioavailability and impact on cardiometabolic health.
• Analysis of breastmilk bioactive components and its relationship with maternal and infant health.